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​This is our current Schedule: 

Click below for class descriptions



6:00-7:00pm ALL LEVELS with Karen



6:15-7:15pm L3 with Ashley



6:15-7:15pm L2 with Heather


NO HAPPY HOUR YOGA until further notice


9:00-10:00am L3 check weekly schedule for teacher



12:00-1:00pm Yin Yoga


Private classes are also an option.


The schedule is subject to change, daily updates are posted on the Facebook Page.






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class descriptions

Level 1: Classes are generally taught a lot slower, easing from pose to pose. Great for beginnings or for someone who is looking for a deep stretch. 


Level 2: This classes moves a little faster, but are in a shorter time frame which makes it still great for a beginner or someone who is short on time, but still wants to get their workout in. 


Level 3: Formally known as vigorous flow. Generally a longer class. A lot of non stop movement, up and down off the floor and more challenging yoga sequences. This class will make you sweat. 


All levels: great for any level. Medium paced class, similar to a level 2, but will have greater modifications to intensify or soften your practice. 


SUP Yoga: Stand up paddle board yoga either on Lake Argyle in Colchester or Lake Bracken in Galesburg. Private and group classes available. 

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