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To our dearest yoga students,


It has been four years since Summer Moon Yoga has opened its doors, and what a transformation it has gone through.


From starting out in the TRX space, to moving into the storage room, to knocking down walls and relocating, our little studio grew into something beautiful, and what grew with it was our community.


Owning a small business comes with a lot of ups and downs and you all have joined me swimmingly for the ride. I will always be indebted with gratitude for all the opportunities the people of Macomb gave me. But after a period of separation and much reflection, it saddens me to announce that the studio will be closing its doors at the end of this week.


Here is the good in the situation, there are still yoga teachers in Macomb. They will still be teaching yoga! I encourage you to reach out and continue practicing with them. Or if you want to try something new, Make Fit Happen is still open, check out one of Kristen or Greg’s classes!


And don’t worry, I have a few announcements up my sleeve as to what I will be doing in the future, so stay tuned...


Make sure to enjoy Heather’s class tomorrow (Thursday 3/15) from 6:15-7:15pm. Kelley Kennedy will also be teaching wine and yoga at Lake Hill Winery on Sunday from 12:30-1:30pm.


If you have any questions, comments or concerns please email me at


From a heart filled with love and gratitude,


Caitlyn Herzlinger

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